Archive for May 1st, 2010


Free Market Economics

May 1, 2010

I just paid 10p for a bun. I paid for all the ingredients. Provided all the equipment. To be fair it was at her dads house, so he paid the fuel costs. I provided the time. And I got charged 10p.

Rip off Britain.


Eloquent AND Funny.

May 1, 2010

Fuck the motherfucker
Fuck the motherfucker
Fuck the motherfucker
He’s a fucking motherfucker

Fuck the motherfucker
Fuck the fucking fucker
Fuck the motherfucker
He’s a total fucking fucker

Fuck the motherfucker
Fuck the motherfucker
Fuck the motherfucker
Fucking fuck the motherfucker

Fuck the motherfucker
Fuck the motherfucking Pope

Fuck the motherfucker
And fuck you motherfucker
If you think that motherfucker is sacred

If you cover for another motherfucker who’s a kiddie fucker
Fuck you, you’re no better than the motherfucking rapist

And if you don’t like the swearing that this motherfucker forced from me
And reckon that it shows moral or intellectual paucity
Then fuck you motherfucker, this is language one employs
When one is fucking cross about fuckers fucking boys

I don’t give a fuck if calling the Pope a motherfucker
Means you unthinkingly brand me an unthinking apostate
This has naught to do with other fucking godly motherfuckers
I’m not interested right now in fucking scriptural debate

There are other fucking songs and there are other fucking ways
I’ll be a religious apologist on other fucking days
But the fact remains, if you protect a single kiddie fucker
Then Pope or prince or plumber, you’re a fucking motherfucker

You see I don’t give a fuck what any other motherfucker
Believes about Jesus and his motherfucking mother
And I’ve no problem with the spiritual beliefs of all these fuckers
While those beliefs don’t impact on the happiness of others

But if you build a church on claims of fucking moral authority
And with threats of hell impose it on others in society
Then you, you motherfuckers, could expect some fucking wrath
When it turns out you’ve been fucking us in our motherfucking asses

So fuck the motherfucker
And fuck you, motherfucker if you’re still a motherfucking papist
If he covered for a single motherfucker who’s a kiddie fucker
Fuck the motherfucker, he’s as evil as the rapist

And if you look into your motherfucking heart and tell me true
If this motherfucking stupid fucking song offended you
With its filthy fucking language and it’s fucking disrespect
If it made you feel angry, go ahead and write a letter
But if you find me more offensive than the fucking possibility
That the Pope protected priests when they were getting fucking fiddly
Then listen to me, motherfucker, this here is a fact:
You are just as morally misguided as that motherfucking
Power-hungry, self-aggrandized bigot in the stupid fucking hat


It never gets old….

May 1, 2010

Do we really want a Labservative Government- Guest Post by Martin Deane, Green Party.

May 1, 2010

Do we really want a Labservative government?

It didn’t start with the workers’ memorial but it was compounded by the clap on the back from the Labour Hull East candidate.

The memorial was for a friend of mine, Ray Jessop, who died on Dec 7th. He fell from a tall  ladder on subcontracted work for Hull City Council. Had he still worked for the council he’d probably be alive: health and safety would have dictated scaffolding for the 30’ job. A victim of privatisation.

At any other time of year it strikes me as unlikely that that the two Labour MP candidates (and likely winners, the bookies tell us) would have turned out for this. Ray, given the choice, wouldn’t have had them there (but he did have a soft spot for Caroline Lucas!) Afterwards one of the candidate-barristers went out of her way to introduce me to a London reporter and the other candidate-barrister assumed he and I were on the same side… Now, encouraging me, of course, does no harm, especially if my 1 or 2 thousand votes come from Lib Dem supporters and not Labour ones. And indeed the Lib Dems have targeted Hull North and are putting up a great orangey-diamondy type show.

The Hull East barrister and I conversed about the Greenpeace action, last time round, when activists climbed Prescott Towers to hold it to ransom: we’ll go away if you let us put £10,000 worth of solar panels on your roof! Needless to say Prezza wasn’t going to bow to such eco-terrorism. Anyway, the subject of supporting Labour came up so I made it clear I didn’t. And the barrister said: “So you’d prefer a Conservative government? I see.” I said I probably would and didn’t think they (Lab) deserved another term.

But the arrogance of the safe Labour seat prompted me to write 10 good reasons to ditch Labour and vote Green.

But clever isn’t it? How our system backs us into a corner to choose one or another false positive, especially after the betrayal of society by Labour in the 90s where now we have our own Pepsi or Coke candidates to choose from.

But Ray had no time for them. Ray stood against war. Ray stood against Trident. Ray was sometimes the only person who came up with me to Menwith Hill to protest the American spybase, commended for its service during America’s wars, calling Blair a poodle, wearing his outrageous colours and T-shirts, far-removed from the charcoal suits of the politicians (or the police force). Ray wouldn’t bow down to them or play their silly games of who to vote for.

But he did want a different society; one which looked after those who need it; one where riches were spread through the community; one in harmony with the earth; one where even the lowliest animals were respected and, in his case, never eaten; one which never went to war and certainly would not lie itself into one; one where countries looked after their citizens first and even looked out for each other’s citizens; a just world, a sustainable world where we learned where the boundaries were, where we made our own energy and not take other people’s. He could never see it happening though because he knew how wealth, greed and power subvert people.

But he never really gave up hope.

And neither do we.

Martin Deane

Green Party, Hull North

International Workers Day

You can follow @MartinJDeane on Twitter.


Musings of a swing voter.

May 1, 2010

I am in the middle of writing an article about the likelihood of pacts between Liberals and anyone- in event of a hung parliament.

My original hypothesis was that the surge in Lib Dem support was a protest about the stranglehold that Labour and Conservatives had held over British politics. I thought that if Lib Dems should be in that position, they should offer support on a policy by policy basis. Support decided by the merit of the policy.

Become the party who bridged the gap, bring politics back to the centre. I was hypothesising that a Lib/Lab or Lib/Con pact- would undermine this. I hypothesised that this defeated the point of a third party gaining influence.

Then two things happened.

First- Nick Clegg declared this was now a two horse race. This worried me. A lot.

As I understood it- the election isn’t until next Thursday- and even with the surge in support- this is now a THREE horse race. The voters have not decided, and if the unpredictable polls tell us anything, it is too close to call.

Second- The Grauniad came out in support of the Lib Dems. This shocked me, and if I am honest- I was pleasantly surprised. Then I read twitter. I spoke to my friends. My boyfriend. Had a think. Had another think. Then panicked.

In Conservative/Lib Dem marginals, this will surely send people who were undecided and are Conservative at heart, back to the right?  This is not the two horse race that Nick Clegg appears to now believe it is- and it seems to me that this has split the ‘eft’ vote.

Liberal Democrats have nowhere near the margin they would need to assume a victory outright- nowhere near-but now there is the possibility that Labour don’t either.

All parties appear to have given #bigotgate much more consideration than the electorate have(voters are quite often smarter than politicians give them credit for). Gordon Brown is not liked, but his appeal was never about likeability.

People can’t really vote tactically in this election, because the polls are so haywire- that you wouldn’t know where to vote.

Unless Liberal Democrats and Labour start talking, and Nick Clegg stops posturing- then we are looking at a Conservative victory(and I will make no apologies for being genuinely frightened of a Conservative government. Single parents, in northern post-industrial towns will not fare well under Cameron).

I cannot bear this election. If this was a movie- I would be flicking through to the end and hiding behind a cushion while my boyfriend reassured me that the gory bits were passing.

My vote will be decided on the basis of my local candidates (and I have a choice of at least 3 outstanding AND local candidates), but my concern is national.

I know, I’m a hypocrite. My reasons for not wanting a pact between Liberals Labservatives still stand- but I don’t want a Tory government. I am fully aware of the flaws in this thinking.

This is why the post is called ‘musings of a swing voter’- I can’t help what is going through my head.

A week is a long time in politics-right?


This definitely definitely didn’t make me cry(much).

May 1, 2010

Local boy with cancer turns into a superhero for a day