
The Budget and Me!

June 23, 2010

When I started this blog, I had  recently finished working as a social worker.

As a social worker, I earned 21k pro rata down to 30 hours a week. I worked 30 hours a week contracted, and some weeks up to 20-30 on top at home. I had a caseload of 18 children, many of whom were subject to Child Protection plans.  The ones who were not subject to child protection plans, were living in situations where the threshold of risk was nightmarish. 1 day of my working week, I attended  university to complete a post qualifying award, which would allow me to increase my salary.

As a single parent I did this job- and managed my child and  house. I say managed- because I don’t describe the two hours a day that I saw my daughter, two hours usually preoccupied with either ringing someone I owed money to, or sorting my house- as parenting.

When my salary hit the bank, it paid my childcare bill, and most of my rent.  After I had paid my childcare, and my rent- with the help of Local Housing Allowance, my income, to run my house, go to work, feed and clothe my child- was £145 per week. In a job where I was constantly subsidising and meeting little costs incurred in doing the work-the cost of kids bus fare, a mothers breast pads, a cup of coffee for a client….

I accepted that poverty was part of parenting a pre-school age child on my own. When I was exhausted and weighed 6 stone, had severe stomach problems, and was barely sleeping, my doctor advised me to give up work.

I did.

I came home.  While not working, I lived on £127 per week. For the first time since my daughter was born, while I had no money, I had time to get to know her. I had time to parent her. This year has been wonderful. I was better off not  because I didn’t pay council tax, or have the cost of working but because I got to spend real time with my daughter, for the first time since she was born.

But it is ingrained in me that I should work.

I set myself up as a ‘writer, and started to get copywriting work. Not vast amounts- but certainly enough to justify registering as self employed. Enough so that I am starting to bring in a relatively steady stream of money. I still get full Local Housing Allowance, it contributes about 75 percent of my £500 rent at the moment- that goes down if I earn more, as it should. I pay the difference. It is a hefty chunk out of my disposable income.

I don’t have any more money than I had on Income Support- but I earn it. My eye has always been on the day where I could return to work full time.

Rachel starts school this September, and I got myself a  full time job. Yay!

Then the budget happened.

LHA rules have been changed. o0pkmInstead of contributing to the rent of a house with a rent at the median of local rents, they will only help with the cost of rent up to 30 centile of the local rents.

This detail was lost under a great deal of fanfare about housing benefit paying people to live in mansions.

This takes approximately £20 a week out of my current income. With the VAT increase, and whatever happens with prices in the next few months- I don’t know how I will manage. THe only way I was managing, was by keeping my eye on September- when I could feel the benefit of a salary.

I had hoped to be slightly better off when I got back to work. The cost of after school clubs, and breakfast clubs, is slightly less than the cost of full time childcare. However, the change in LHA rules- means that the slightly better off that I had assumed would happen- is also gone. I will be worse off than when I was working last time.

I have just put the phone down. The job is no longer there. To prepare for cuts of 25percent across the board, they cannot risk hiring new staff.

Evenif I had started- I cannot physically earn enough to take me above the income level of someone on income support.

I am now going to be competing in a labour market flooded with the people who will be laid off as part of these cuts, in a profession with widespread recruitment freezes. I am the candidate who might have to dissapear because my daughter is ill, and the candidate who may not be able to do late night emergency calls- because I have a child at home.

I did every thing ‘right’.

I left home at 16, and knew that education was the key. I stayed at school, even though it meant living on £25 per week income support.

I had assumed when I finished school, I would never need benefits again.

I never stopped working. Apart from a few months of travelling, which I paid for. I didn’t even consider having a child, until I was financially secure, prepared, and married. I trained for a career I was passionate about. I worked hard. I went to university, and borrowed £12k to do so.

And this doesn’t feel quite real.  I heard the Lib Dems on telly last night, saying this was progressive, and I don’t quite know how to process the magnitude of what has just happened to my life- and my future.

This isn’t sink or swim economics. I don’t have the choice of sinking. I exist. And so does my daughter. But I don’t have the choice to swim either. If I work, I am in poverty. If I can get work. If I don’t, I am in poverty. My daughter is in poverty. Unless she goes to live with her dad. The poverty could be eased by moving away from the community we are part of, or finding a relationship which will bring financial security.

David Cameron has been talking about how to make sure the system doesn’t reward people for not ‘doing the right thing’ by staying married, and in the spending review, Frank Field and Iain Duncan Smith, are anxious to remove the ‘couples penalty’ from tax credits.

THey calculate this couples penalty by looking at net state support, but with no consideration for the cost of childcare or rent, or the earnings potential of a single person with responsibility for a child.

I am not just a ‘single parent’. I am an intelligent woman, a good mother, and I am more than that.

Except I am not more than that. I have woken up to find I am society’s garbage. And with increasing regularity, people feel free to tell me that. I suppose it feels easier to do so if the Prime Minister tells you I am part of the reason Britain is broken.

The only difference between a single mother, and a married one, is a partner. Another adult to earn money, or take responsibility for some of the domestic. The benefit ‘trap’ they are removing, is the thing that kept me and many of my friends working.

This is not a budget blog which deals with the wider economic issues of a deflationary budget, in a country with no private sector economic growth, and whose trading partners are also introducing austerity measures. This not a worry about deflationary spirals, or property bubbles which haven’t burst. I can’t get my head round that right now- because I am sat here with a calculator- not wondering how the budget might affect me- but wondering how I am supposed to survive.

I am not writing this because I want people to feel sorry for me. I don’t like this post being up here, and this blog was  supposed to be about more than being a ‘poor single mother’, I didn’t see myself like that.  But this is the reality behind the rhetoric of fairness and it doesn’t seem very damn fair to me, or my daughter, or the thousands of women in the same position.


  1. Having read this I am almost in tears, I know it’s nothing in comparison to what you must be/are feeling right now. We left the UK purely because we could not afford to live there, Jon was a full time civil servant earning £28,000pa, i worked part time, we were not entitled to any help. Living here is hard, in some ways harder and we have much less, but we have possibilities and opportunities here that we did not have at home. Things would be even worse for us now with this budget. I do wonder why we bothered to study, to work hard, to save, to wait to have children. It seems that unless you have inherited wealth you are f****d in the UK now, I pray that I never have to return, and I fear for our childrens futures

    • WOW. And I thought the situation here in Canada was completely mad.

      I hope you know that many people, like me, can relate, and stand behind you – we need to band together across nations and protest – SERIOUSLY. My hometown is Winnipeg, where the biggest general strike of all time took place in the 1920s; revolution is in my blood. Our “leaders” need not to be told, but to be *forced to see* what is happening to the people of the nations they “represent”.

      I don’t have a child myself, but I do have a fiancee and two kitty cats to feed :wink:. Like you, I moved out early – at 17 – and worked full-time at a bookstore while also going to university full-time. When working full-time became too much to handle, I spent time on social assistance ($500/month! I ended up supplementing my payments with cheque fraud. Thus, I will never have any “credit”.) and got deep into government student-aid debt.

      Then I moved on, last year, to Vancouver to complete my Master’s degree. I thought this was the end of the $7/hour, ramen-noodle diet, tunnel. I even got a grant from the Canadian government for $17,500. I was told that in British Columbia I would have no trouble finding employment – that this was the one place in Canada where the recession had not hit!

      NOT SO! The $17,500 is not even enough to pay my rent for one year. My father, who is earning more than he ever has in his career, is in so much debt that he is living paycheque to paycheque – paying off his credit cards with a line of credit – and couldn’t afford to lend me $10 if I needed it. He thinks that when I “start working” (I work now as a teaching assistant and research assistant, as does my fiancee) I will be pulling in six figures. – WRONG!!!! If I do make it all the way through my Ph.D. and to the “assistant professor” level – which will take some funding-miracle – I will be starting at $40,000/year. More likely, I will have to teach as a “sessional” for several years first – pulling in about $15,000/year – not much more than minimum wage. He, a baby-boomer, grew up in a much different era, when well-paying jobs were plentiful, and social assistance actually provided enough money to live on.

      You said it perfectly – “I did everything right”. I graduated at the top of my high school and undergraduate classes. I worked my butt off and didn’t ask for extra cash from my family when I needed it – I went to “social assistance”, which here in Canada requires first sitting in on several lectures basically telling you what a screw-up you are, and how you are affecting “THE TAXPAYERS!”.

      Now I find myself here on the west coast, unable to sleep, or not have horrible nightmares when I do get to sleep (I wrote a blog post on this the other day) – worrying that it will be next month when we can no longer afford our rent, or have to give up what little we have. I still want to learn more – I love school and the student/teacher dynamic. Unfortunately, as a graduate student, I haven’t found myself challenged intellectually, but financially, psychologically, and physically.

      In January, I became seriously ill. Since I couldn’t afford private health care, my surgery was scheduled for June. I still kept going to school, although I missed many, many classes. If I hadn’t, my grant would have been suspended and I would have had NO MONEY AT ALL! My professors told me, “In all our twenty-some years of teaching we have never seen a student in your situation not go on sick leave…!!!”
      Meanwhile, I’m thinking, “Does everyone else just have an extra $10,000 kicking around in case they very unexpectedly become ill?!?”

      Luckily, heh, things got to the point where I required emergency surgery in April, so I’m back on my feet now.

      But people all around me are falling down hard. The manager of my apartment building had to leave for several weeks because his father died in Bosnia. He came back to find he no longer had the job he had held for nearly 18 years. My father recently got lectured after taking *gasp* 2 WHOLE SICK DAYS OFF IN A ROW! – and the colleague that hired him was fired a few weeks ago.

      Things cannot continue like this. The capitalist ship is sinking fast. Our leaders are ducking and running. We, the people, need to take radical action – no woman or man who wants to work should be without a job that pays a LIVING-WAGE, and women and men who cannot or choose not to work due to life circumstances or whatever reason also need to be supported so that they are able to sleep at night and enjoy their lives on this planet.

      Much Empathy!
      In solidarity always,
      scarsarestories xo

  2. You should really send this to all MPs and especially Cameron, Clegg and Osborne. This sums up so eloquently exactly what is wrong with the policies of this government.

    • DeeplyFlawedButTrying cannot easily send this to all MPs – MPs only respond to their constituents.

      The best way to get this to a lot of MPs if for each of us to send a copy to OUR MP. This is easily done via http://www.theyworkforyou.com/ – just type in your postcode and you will be able to send an email directly to your MP and send a link (or paste in parts of) DFBT’s moving story.

      One other important touch……

      In your letter, ask your MP to raise this matter with the Minister concerned (The Right Honourable Iain Duncan Smith MP). The Minister is required by law to reply to your MP and your MP to pass on the reply to you. As the civil servants running the ministry will have to write all these replies they will soon start making sure that the Minster knows about the issue.

      If DFBT’s own MP gets more the one letter on the subject, he/she might even ask a question in Parliament. What is your postcode/constituency DFBT?

      • Mine is Craig Whittaker- I have emailed him. I went through twitter and posted it to several MP’s, Lib Dem, Lab, and Cons. Have had a response from Bob Russell.

        Have been on phone constantly with friends in same boat. The so called benefit trap of housing benefit did not stop people working, it ensured people could continue to work- and for many of my friends, women with young children, this has removed any way of getting out of poverty. It has now come to light that if you earn £25k your tax credits will stop= so basically, unless you can earn £30k a year, as a single parent with a small child- you have absolutely no chance of living above Income Support rates. No chance at all. And if you are already working for income support rates or just above- you will be living on much less- because it is unlikely that the new rates of LHA will go anywhere near most rents. The shame is that half of people claiming LHA DO pay on average a hundred quid a month towards their rent. And only 1 in 8 people in London, who claim this- are actually unemployed.

        We are looking at leaving the places where we live. Hebden is my home, and it was just about affordable to stay there. Without a miracle- it is very unlikely I will still be living here in August. Local rents here are fairly cheap, but not cheap enough to cope with LHA.

        This is not just about lean times- this is about cutting off women’s options for good- because they are single and have children. Regardless of the circumstances. And they managed to do it, without mentioning us once.

      • Gee hope it works better there than here in US. I recently wrote my Representative and Senators regarding an issue, and was basically told they would do what they thought best and that was that. I found the letters condescending “now don’t you worry your little head” sort of things. I was seriously POd at the arrogance they exhibited and they wonder why there is such a strong anti-incumbent trend here ….

      • Done, it has been sent to Helen Jones for Warrington North. This post left me feeling very sad, somewhat angry and pretty much helpless. Why oh why are there no switched on, truthful, realistic political parties?

        Sick to death of being treated like the poster is by successive governments.

  3. I also think there should be a place where everyone affected by these cuts can write blogs like this, to create a big picture of what this means for people like this on the ground – creating a good argument that cannot be put down to lefties moaning and whinging – really good, solid evidence as to why these cuts are not progressive.

  4. I can’t even imagine how worried you must be right now. I have been in similar circumstances and had this budget happened a few years ago, I would be facing being back there too.

    I am single parent who was only able to get into work because of tax credits. I went to university, I also have student loans, I trained hard for the job I have and I have been lucky enough to get a stable job with a wage that allows me and my kids to live comfortably.

    I can’t understand how government ministers can justify to themselves making it more difficult for the most vulnerable people. We all know the cost of unemployment is almost incomprehensibe when you start looking at it properly, and that the tax bill that helps people work can’t possibly be greater than that.

    This is one of those times when you just cannot comprehend any real logic that could possibly have led to some of the decisions.

    I am very, very lucky about where I am right now, I know there’s nothing that can stop your worry, nothing that can halt the facts of your situation. If I knew you I’d say, if you ever need anything, if there’s anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask. Unfortunately, as we are all just words on a screen, I’m not sure there’s anything I can do, however, if you ever need anything, if there’s anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask 🙂

    • What do you mean, get into work because of tax credits? Sorry, not familiar with GB politics, but curious.

  5. Hi,
    I really feel for you.
    18 years ago I found myself pregnant, with a failed marriage behind me- and with three daughters under six. I was already a registered nurse, but was adding to my experience, by working as a student, training to work with people with learning disabilitiies. Just after I began maternity leave, my ex-husband stopped paying maintenance. I used to use this to pay my rent. I appealed to the then DSS for help. It turned out that because I had a job, I couldn’t claim income support; but, that because I wasn’t physically working I wasn’t eligible for the then Family credit either. In short; I was penniless and it seemed no-one cared. We survived an extremely stressful pregnancy on hand outs from my parents, their friends and even the church. I went back to work when my baby daughter was a few weeks old; getting up in the night to feed, waking at 5 to express breast milk, then got myself, my baby and three little girls ready for their 2 separate child minders. ( It didn’t help that one child minder had, it seemed an aversion to breast milk and used to take it from me like it was diseased!)
    I did this for 4 months, until, like you, my doctor advised me to give up work. It broke my heart; I wanted so much to achieve what I had set out to complete – and I so badly wanted a good life for my children.
    So I concentrated on giving my children the best life I possibly could; we lived in poverty, but we ate well; played board games; talked; laughed; I read to them. They were clean, intelligent and happy. But I constantly felt like I had to prove something – JUST because I was a single parent. I felt like the world was scrutinizing us- just waiting for one of them to slip up, so that they could attribute it to having no Dad around. I remember a Tory minister at the time stating that children from ‘broken homes'(I hate that term)do worse at school – not ‘may’ do worse, but that they absolutely do. I cut it out from the newspaper and hung it on the notice board, where, yellowing,it too watched us.
    Many years have passed and my four little girls are now adults- all incredibly intelligent, hard working, fair-minded individuals, some of whom are working hard to change the injustice and unfairness of stereotypes. I am proud of the way that I raised my children, under the most difficult circumstances – it was not the life I planned for them, but I did my best. Mostly, I claimed income support, but, considering what my children are now able to give back to society- and are doing – I consider my debt paid.

  6. I agree with the previous poster. I think it would be a good idea to create a place where everyone affected by this budget, and by the coming cuts, can write about how this has affected our lives. A kind of living mass observation experiment if you wish. I thought I had slipped back 20 plus years into a time warp when I heard this budget. It will have a massive negative impact on “hard working families”. And future cuts to public services will mostly affect the poor and the vulnerable. I work in the public sector. At any moment, I could be on benefits (or “hand-outs” as some like to call them. I am 48 years old, and I have worked all my life, apart from 3 years study. I am not a scrounger. Yet if I am made unemployed, I will immediately be made to feel like one and be portrayed as such. I haven’t had a holiday with my kids for three years. Then it was only a few days in Blackpool. We have never been abroad. I live in housing association accommodation as I just could not afford a morgatage on my own when I divorced. I too waited till I was financially secure till I had my children. I have tried my best.
    Fair? How can this be fair, when it is the poorest and most vulnerable who are bearing the brunt of this? As for the I expected this from the Tories. But the LibDems seem to have sold their soul for some shiney baubles. Listen here Mr Clegg – this will not be forgotten, for a very-long-time. So enjouy your few paultry years in a chauffeur driven car. I hope it was worth it.

  7. This is a very moving tale. How awful it is to be penalised for doing the right thing…

    Just a thought regarding the job. If they made you an offer and you accepted it, it is possible that this could be classed as unfair dismissal. You should check with Citizens Advice.

    Hope everything turns around for you soon 🙂

  8. Hi there,

    I came here through the link you posted on Dave Hill’s blog on the Guardian site. I’m glad you did post there (and that he welcomed your post, as he just has! In case you haven’t been back yet) as I think stories like yours that are eloquently damning of the ridiculous decision making that has led to the current budget really need to be heard. Dave Cameron was all in favour about people getting involved in ‘big Government’ and joining the conversation – I wonder if he’ll actually listen when he hears stories like yours?

    My husband is out of work currently and I can testify as to how difficult the job market is at the moment. Our only saving grace is that we’re in Belfast, and rents are cheap enough that we can manage just on my (not terribly large) salary. Good luck to you and your daughter.

  9. I’m sorry to read of your predicament. Is the child’s father paying you child support?

    • He pays what he can afford- but still has the outgoings that we had when we were a dual income family. He is also a social worker- and is facing the same uncertainty.

  10. I wish you the best of luck. Seriously, it’s not hard graft or intelligence that makes the diference it’s luck. At least you have been lucky enough to spend more time with Rachel, I dare say better off than your clients

    My wife and I have been happily married for 25 years and have two lovely kids one in A levels and the other just finished uni. I wouldn’t say we are rich, too many little hands in our pockets but we are happy. You and I may be worlds apart in many ways but I know i’ve been lucky and I there but for the grace of god we all go.

    What strikes me most about this ressesion is the return of macro economics, popular in the 70s. Seems to me this now dictates policy and as history repeats itself will make any individual’s needs less important. This is one thing we must fight, rant if you have to but for the sake of us all don’t be silent. Policies need to be based on the wider picture and longer term not necesarily the greater good. No one wants their kids to grow up or to grow old in a society that doen’t care, even I think if you are very comfortably off and want to stay that way.

  11. […] A personal perspective from someone whose employment and financial prospects have been devastated by the budget: multiply this story by hundreds of thousands to get the real picture of what this government is already doing to people. […]

  12. However, noone here seems to be suggesting a solution. Ups and downs are the ‘ways’ and reality of this world and life – but it is unfair for anyone to expect a support from state that exceeds the basics of food, shelter, clothes, education for child and health.

    However, it is unfair for a benefit claimant to have the extra liberty to desire, on which part of the country they can get support.

    i am suprised how people are making a cry on limiting the housing benefit to 400 a week – this is crazy – 400 itself is a sky-high limit; the limit should be rather 150 a week, and that means offcourse you can’t live in London.

    people do move their location for their job…and so how come it is unfair to expect them to move location for their own better life which is supported by the state. what is the harm in moving to those areas, where rents are cheaper..

    rather i would say, the state should built affordable housing in these areas!

    • I don’t expect support from the state to that exceeds the basics of food, shelter and clothes. I expect if I am fulfilling a public service role, where I am responsible for the lives of children, literally-and where I am professionally qualified- I should be able to afford those things.
      I don’t expect to live in a society in the 21st century, where not having a husband, means you are quite literally cast out of society, or at the very least the area you live.
      I certainly don’t expect to pay my taxes for a lifetime, and see them poured into bank coffers- and to be left destitute-with the doors that allowed to get myself out of poverty, closerd one by one.
      You may think that is unreasonable. I don’t. I don’t see the state addressing the systematic inequality that faces mothers of young children in the labour market= and the result is a labour market that discriminates and forces the parents of young children into much lower paid work than parents of older children, or two parent households.

      The state DID build affordable houosing it was sold off.
      And everyone else was told they needed to buy a home. In fact every time some of public sector is turned over to the private sector it has the same effect. People make money out of it. Not the people who need it obviously.

    • Oh, and we are not complaining about being asked to pay rents in shiny areas. The 400 a week is one off, very high figure, for a few families, in the most expensive place in the country.

      TO put it in context. My rent is 550 a month. My local housing allowance is 420 a month. I pay £130- and now that will go up to about £200-£210.

      The up market area you speak about- is a small town. With all my friends. My family. My support networks- the community that I have been part of since I was 18.

    • I can count on no hands the number of places someone could find a 4-bedroom house to rent for £150 a week. On the very tiny chance that they did, of course, they would very likely find themselves refused because the landlord won’t accept LHA claimants.

      • How shockingly callous. Be forced to move out of an area because you can’t afford to live there. Leave your family (often for parents a support network and for children a supportive environment) to go and live in a ghetto that has cheap(er) housing where you probably will know no-one and be even more dependent on the state.

        Your post goes to show that you have never found yourself hard-up financially and so can afford to look down on those who need some extra help and not because they are scroungers, or lazy or unintelligent as the right-wing press always try to claim

      • Umm_Issa, you were replying to the person I was replying to and not me, weren’t you? Because I think we’re on the same side here. 🙂

    • I lived in London as a single parent & claimed help towards my rent.

      A move out of London would have taken me away from my industry, friends and family.

      Isolating myself & my daughter & becoming unemployed would have been incredibly detrimental to mine & my child’s quality of life.

      You really haven’t put much thought into that argument.

  13. Very eloquently put. I expect it of the Tories – I am disgusted by the Lib Dems. This budget will hit single parents, and especially women.

    Why are women and children expected to pay the bills from a deficit mainly derived from a recession created by wealthy (mostly male) bankers?

    A load of misogynistic, macho bullingdon bullshit. Lib Dems should be ashamed.

    You should send this to Lib Dem MPs and see if they can still vote for this budget in good conscience.

    • I’m sick of this Lib Dem bashing. Lib dems are 1/5th of the coalition. They do not have enough weight to override Tory decisions. They have enough to smooth off the sharp edges – and this is what they are doing. Be thankful they are there at all, and imagine what the budget would have been like with a completely Conservative government.

      • I see no reason to be thankful they’re there, to be honest. They have failed to do what they said they would do, which was ensure that the poorest in society were protected. Now either that was a promise that they never intended to keep, in which case they deserve all the opprobrium that can be met upon them and then some; or they have discovered that they’re incapable of keeping the promise, in which case they are pretty much impotent, there only to give the Tories a fig leaf – and eventually a scapegoat.

        And I say this as a paid-up member of the Lib Dems – although for obvious reasons, I won’t be renewing that membership. Aside from no longer wishing to be associated with the party, as a DLA claimant, suddenly it seems I can no longer find room in my budget to help out a bunch of desperately needy politicians with thoroughly useless judgement and a flexible approach to their most basic principles.

        And maybe when the Lib Dems are no longer splitting the left-wing vote, Labour will remember who and what it should be standing for, and will promise itself never again to sacrifice its own core principles for a little short-term electoral gain.

  14. I’d be happy to host and set up a multi user blog for this.

  15. Sorry – clicked button too soon. This is the unacceptable and real face of this budget, and I am so, so sorry for your situation. I wish I could think of something remotely useful to say 😦

  16. Great blog – outlines what a mess this country is in.

  17. I agree completely with this as a single parent i have always worked up until now . I have been claiming income support after having to flee due to domestic voilence both my job and home . I have taken the last year off to help my 4 year old daughter with whats happened and things she has seen .

    As i’ve said i’ve always worked and this is the first time i’ve not and find it all very unfair and i’m scared how i’m going to manage.I have looked for work but again its very hard to find anything with the current work situration and being miles away from family support for school holidays etc.I also volunteer at a college to gain experience in a job that would once i’m employed term time only .But again cuts have been made there also, So i feel alittle hard done by as i’m trying .

  18. I love you very much. As soon as we’ve moved, we’ll feed you and the mini you as often as you want. Always here – don’t ever not ask. xx

  19. Send this to all the parties and the papers.

    Brilliant example of the real face of this “coalition” government. I wish you hadn’t needed to write it though 😦

    I wish I could help 😦 xxx

  20. Property tax, inheritance tax, all different ways of raising money, wouldn’t be considered by the rich now in power.

  21. I think you fail to mention any sort of blame for the previous government, your whole journey mentioned did not take the last 6 weeks, so who originally put you in this position?

    You cannot simply put this all on the new government when you have been struggling for years, i understand it was a hard situation for you to be in but the situation is your own. Why is it that you do not take responsibility, I have a real big issue with people who constantly expect something from the government, before tax credits, if people did not earn enough they got a higher paying job or did 2 jobs, people didn’t get housing benefit, now its expected rather than standing up and saying I am in the shit so I will do something about it. Was your daughter a mistake? an error? Why bring her into the world if you knew you could not afford to have her, this really riles me, will piss people off too, but why have a child if you cannot give them the best, I was brought up in poverty so understand this. Remember your choice to have the child, so why should the state pay for you, harsh I know, but something you should think about.

    • What I did to get myself into this mess? My marriage ended. I chose a public service career. And I have the misfortune to not have an extra 24 hours in a day, to do an extra job, and to live in a country where the economy has been distorted by a property bubble.

      Constantly expect what? That if I do a job, which contributes to my society- a professionally qualified job, where I took responsibility for childrens lives, and would be personally legally liable for everyone of those decisions for the rest of mine, where I worked an entire working week, over my contracted hours for nothing-weekly? That I expected that job to pay for basic housing? Er yes. I did actually.

      How fucking dare you tell me, that my expectation that if I work hard, get an education, do a job, raise a family- I will not waste away in poverty because the government doesn’t approve of single parents- is unreasonable. And that is who these cuts disproportionately affect. WOmen, especially women with children.

      I have been working my entire life- and will work my entire life. Doing jobs which benefitted others in this society. I do think its slightly unreasonable to expect me to accept homelessness, and being trapped entirely in poverty, because I had the temerity to leave a marriage which was over- because banks behaved this way. Just take it on the chin? One for the team?

      I don’t think its a very good idea to live in a society where women are forced to stay in unhappy marriages, because they will be financially destitute and will need to move out of their local community otherwise.

      My daughter was conceived in a marriage. A marriage that ended. I do apologise for not shooting her when this became apparent, and assuming that as I was a professionally qualified, and was continuing to work, and at a severe disadvantage in the labour market- that perhaps- the state would help me remain economically active, until it paid again.

      When my daughter was conceived, I was married and had two incomes. I didn’t realise women should be destitute if they are not in a successful romantic relationship.

      I never moaned about being skint when I was working, I never moaned about it anywhere in this blog- I accepted it as part of life while my daughter was young. I didn’t think society gained that much, if I was trapped here forever. Cos I can guarantee you that me being stuck in poverty long term, will cost a damn sight more money- than the cost of supplementing low wages and inflated house prices for a few years.

    • Owning my disagree here. chopperj007, I think your comment is completely out of order.

      The OP explained her situation fully, most significantly that she worked for the government, fulfilling an aspect of the duties that they promised to carry out when they ran for election as decision-makers and fall-guys of our state. Yet, in spite of doing the government’s work that we, the public, voted them in to do, she was being right royally financially screwed simply by being single and having a child.

      In no possible way can you spin that as her responsibility.

      Being brought up in poverty is no justification for telling people that they shouldn’t have had their children without understanding their situations. I was brought up in poverty too, so I see your call and raise it.

      Sometimes life fucks you over. We have a state that agrees, by public mandate, to support people who find themselves unable to support their families through no fault of their own.

      That this right should be reserved for married couples with no savings seems to be both elitist and patronising.

  22. This really moved me. I work in Children’s Services (I’m lucky enough to still have a job right now) and have been trying to make people understand what makes me angry about this budget, while those around me (outside work) just say “it’s not as bad as we thought” and “we’ll be all right”.

    This is a really powerful statement of why it’s not all right. Thank you for sharing.

  23. Where to begin…

    I voted for, and joined, the Liberal Democrats because I believed in their manifesto. A manifesto which recognizes that to succeed as a nation we have to succeed as people. We have to educate our children. Not to mention feeding and clothing them.

    A manifesto which set out a contract in which the very high earners paid more. The middle classes lost some marginal benefits. And, crucially, the poorest were taken out of tax (and its expensive bureaucracy) and by implication the equally expensive bureaucracy of benefits.

    I voted to pay more. In return I would see my daughter get a better education. I would see the many kids so brutally neglected by the education system (My wife teaches in a pretty poor school) get an equal chance.

    When the Lib Dems formed the coalition i accepted it was the right thing. Consistent with the campaign statements and an opportunity to hold back the worst Tory policies. When I heard the commitment to the 10k basic tax rate I was convinced it was the right thing. After all, we are the PR party and how can you be a credible ‘balanced parliament’ party and effectively declare you will only sit with Labour?

    Then this. Osborne is laughing his tits off – we’ve got a fraction of what we were promised and he’s even taken that away (and much more besides) with a VAT hike and a raid on benefits to the very poor.

    I expected a tory chancellor to be simultaneously inept and duplicitous. They’ve studied Gordon Brown for 10 years for a start. I expected there to be disappointments for Lib Dems along the way. I expected the Labour supporters to bay for our blood at every opportunity.

    What I didn’t expect was to see Clegg smiling like a Cheshire cat through it all. I didn’t expect a letter from him telling me how great this budget was. A letter that did not contain a single reference to VAT.

    So I still believe in the Liberal Democrat manifesto. But I don’t feel certain that Nick Clegg does. I’m not sure he ever did. I went with him, but I will go no further. The party must decide if it will compromise its core beliefs for a few crumbs from Camerons table and a ministerial salary. I will not. The coalition is not, as advertised, an imperfect compromise which offers a slow route to our desired destination. It’s a high speed train in the opposite direction.

    Mr Clegg – you can pull the brakes on the train. It cannot deliver this budget without you. I’m getting off. I hope you will too.

  24. No, your issue is you believe the state owes you a life, get over it. You feel so strongly about it that you put it on a blog for fucks sake. I have no sympathy for you.

    How much did you earn? working 30 hours a week on pro rata of 21k you would have taken at least 900 home, then your rent more or less paid for you, oh poor you, you need to pay 130 pm towards it, fuck off you stupid bitch.

    Where is the payments from your ex, he would have been on similar to you as useless waste of space social worker too, how much did he give you, no mention in your poor me blame the govt blog. Then your working tax credits. Frankly if you find it really hard to survive then i suggest cutting your internet and phone, mobile which I would bet you have, would save you quite a bit per month.

    Take some fucking responsibility and stop expecting people to pay for your way of life.

    With your pro rata salary, working tax credits, child maintenence payments you should be taking home a minimum of 1300 take away you 200 rent payment that the nasty govt has put up and you are still on 1100 to pay for bills food etc so what you spending money on. I suggest you learn to budget, get rid of your internet if you cant afford it, you dont need it to live. If he is giving you less than 200 pm then something seriously wrong and you need to get more, he has a responsibility to pay for his child as well. I am really sick of you people who think the world owes you, what because you are a social worker! Do something else then, you claim to be educated. Social workers are a big fucking joke anyway, none of you can do your bloody job, Victoria Climbe’. Then every child matters was brought in and you pricks are still putting the rights of the parent before the rights of the child and thats why baby P happened, makes a mockery of that legislation.

    • You must be a banker, as you are a cold hearted, pig-ignorant, right wing bastard and you can’t do sums. You also apparently do not believe in the existence of council tax, water rates, power bills or transport costs.

      Oh, and you hate social workers. There’s a shock. When you are old and grey and frail remind me to come round and arrange your home help. Or not.

    • What’s next? Are you going to ask her to live in a cave, because, you know, people don’t NEED houses to live in?

      Stop being ignorant. Everybody deserves a good life, and everybody deserves a secure future. Making sure of that IS the prime responsibility of any government.

    • Which blog have you been reading? Because it certainly wasn’t the one I’ve just looked at. What a most bizarre reply.

    • “so what you spending money on”

      I’ll take a wild guess here and say childcare.

    • chopperj007 – All very well you ranting and raving here but I don’t suppose you have the guts to speak in such a forceful and rude manner face-to-face with any of the people affected by the brunt of this ridiculous budget ?

    • You pretty much can’t participate in modern western society without a phone and the internet. I can’t get paid without the internet, not because my job requires internet access itself, but because before they would put me on the payroll I had to complete an online test/indoctrination. No one expects anyone to be poor enough not to have these things. Because everyone who has any control over how culture works is naturally well-off enough not to even think of going without them.

  25. Oh and again, what government was it that was the cause of your problems or did all your issues just happen over the last 6 weeks. So in the point that tories were elected you quit your job, went on benefit, then found another full time job. Get fucking real! Do not put all you problems down to the budget.

  26. You should try being a single man, on 13k a year who doesn’t get tax credits or housing benefit, works full time and has to pay rent, bills, food etc, who doesnt moan poor bloody me on a blog.

    I suppose according to you the house prices are the tories fault, as is the massive national debt, or as a typical labour supporter you blame the banks I bet. Wake up you stupid bitch

    • Oh, chopperj007, chopperj007… you are such a contemptible little cunt. With such a becoming name too, betraying penile inadequacy, fantasy-prone personality and delusions of grandeur in one fell swoop. Let me guess – Mummy tell you off for not tidying your room?

    • Sorry- do I think the selling off of housing stocks was the fault of the Conservative party? Er. Yes. Demonstrable fact. Would you like walk through of the financial crisis, worldwde, country by country, since 2006?

      You really are quite offensive. You show your absolute ignorance about how our economy works, about what it is. and quite frankly- the idea that you would call me a stupid bitch- says more about you, your lack of intellect, and your lack of moral decency than it could possibly say about me. Moron.

      You keep telling yourself that the Tories are there for a single man on 13k a year. When I was on 13k a year I didn’t sit bitterly resenting that I didn;t get help. I didn’t resent it when I had a combined income of quite a lot more than that.

      Don’t blame me for your salary- blame your employer. Does that mean that I should think that 13k a year is an adequate salary for what I did- no, don’t be ridiculous. Your comments won;t get through again- you want someone to vent your inadequacy- you tried the wrong girl.

      Still, at least I can take refuge in fact that at that salary, you are never going to have enough money to procreate, by your own account- you won’t be doing until you can take care of yourself and your children, and guarantee no state help needed. Good luck on that jump from 13k to 40k in time. Am sure it will happen.

      As for your career advice. Great idea. I will cut the internet- even though it is my sole source of income? Okie…

      • Good on you for continuing to stick up for yourself, and for not taking such ignorant, offensive, and naïve remarks lying down. It really is depressing how small-minded some people can be. I absolutely agree that everyone has free will, and can choose how to react to the situations they find themselves in. Unfortunately, however, we do not always get to choose exactly what those situations are, despite our best efforts to the contrary. The sooner Western society can re-focus its attention on what is important in life, rather than the ever-alluring dollar, the better off we will all be.

      • I didn’t feel I had anything practical to add and I don’t know how far sympathy and thanks for such a clear expression of the problem is a helpful response for you – but thanks to that agressively offensive idiot I can add admiration at dealing with such a childish and selfish commenter. I expect if he feels the need to reproduce he’ll do it without thinking about the cost; he can always bunk off and leave the mother to deal with things.

        I’m going to suggest to everyone reading that we write to our MPs expressing our concern not about your particular case but about the mathematics of the decision. If the Number 10 petition site is still running – I know the tories threatened to take it down – it might be a good place to add the weight of numbers.

        And good luck!

    • You should try getting a decent job.

  27. Aware I’m feeding the troll here, but I have “tried being a single man, on 13k a year [*] who doesn’t get tax credits or housing benefit, works full time and has to pay rent, bills, food etc” (not to mention moving to a new city with no family support network in order to take said job).

    And it was absolutely fine. I didn’t eat out much (well, except for the occasional kebab), I didn’t run a car, I made my own sarnies for work, but I had plenty of cash spare after paying the rent and bills to eat well, buy clothes, afford a TV, stereo, PC and Internet connection, have a couple of decent nights out a week, and go on a couple of budget holidays a year.

    Healthy single adults at that income level really aren’t poor, and really don’t need help.

    On the other hand, parents, sick people and elderly people at that income level, who need to buy specialist goods and services that are really expensive, really are and do.

    [*] gbp12k a year 10 years ago

    • In addition to having the option of shared housing, being completely flexible in the Labour market, and not having legal responsibility for another person.

      • And not needing extra space, not having to spend a large proportion of your wage on childcare, not having to feed & clothe two people…..

  28. I cannot believe some of the comments here, some of them actually out and out abusive. Did half of you actually take the time to read this blog? It makes me really sad that instead of looking at why people cannot afford to bring up children – the society we live in, low wages, unaffordable childcare, inflexible and stressful low paid and insecure work, you seem hellbent on blaming the victims. Just how far is that going to get you?
    Some people seem to be suggesting if you are poor and god forbid single, you shouldnt have children. Would you rather women stayed in unhappy relationships, and work themselves to death rather than give care and love to their children?
    Actually it is the state’s fault, because the state manages a market economy, one which seemingly cannot provide full employment and definately not work which pays for all (I can find studies which show that no matter what happens to the economy, there will always be a group of people stuck in low paid, insecure work). So if the state wants this then it must find other ways to support those who cannot afford to live in it.

  29. Hi Lisa

    Absobloodylutely brilliant blog. Best I’ve read for ages.

    Shit happens. It seems to have happened to you in spades. I’ve followed you on Twitter before and will again, and have heard all about Rachel. She is lucky to have a mum like you, I reckon, and wish you all the best of British luck and a happy future.

    But please, let me ask you this? What is Mr Lisa doing towards this? As far as I know the CSA or something like it still exists? I was the “victim” of it, for years, even though I wasn’t allowed to see my kids, they having been psychologically poisoned by their mother and the bloke she ran off with. I now voluntarily pay nearly everything I get towards the kids and the house they’re in which means I live in a shed.

    My choice. What is his?

  30. Um, it doesnt matter that the housing stock was sold, you still get free housing you stupid bitch, you admitted it yourself. And where did i say poor me, this is your blog, you are crying you silly bitch, if i was there i would give you a big slap as you quite fully deserve it. Maybe you should do what all the others who cant cope do, go on antidepressants, sure your dr would sign you up no problem.

    Oh and you should have the attitude where any extra you get from the state is a welcome bonus, not have the expectation to get something.

    So what you trying to say poor woman, you need the internet to live, firstly if you want to find a job, go down the job centre, all your social work jobs will be down there, go to the library to use the internet, its free. This is the thing, you have become so lazy and in denial that things that are luxury items you take as necesity when you do not need them to live.

    • Chopper, You clearly feel the need to vent something. You can use right here, is ok. I will warn you though- if the only way you have of venting is being abusive- then you mighth want to look at at that. But carry on anyway. Is good for people to see how people like you think. If ‘think’ is the right word. Am not sure it is.

    • oh, that’s where all the jobs are! how silly of everyone not to notice!

    • Don’t you have anything better to do than try to boost your faltering manhood by bullying single mothers on the internet? Grow up, back away from the keyboard, and keep your creepy, violent fantasies to yourself, you pathetic little man.

      • He’s an angry little man with issues. Ignore him.

      • Mummy issues, apparently.

  31. Chopperj007 where do you get off calling someone a ‘stupid bitch’ whether you agree with them or not? Just what kind of vile, sexist, person are you? This is not acceptable language to use against another person.
    If you are angry, construct your arguments logically and people can debate them. I dont know what makes you such an angry nasty person and what makes you think this language is OK.

  32. I am sorry but I cannot feel sorry for someone who claims poor me when they have 1 child and cannot live on 145 a week after rent has been paid, you were not on the breadline and people are far worse off than you. Get real.

    • One of the nicest things about people like you, is that I don’t have to say anything. Just let you continue. You are doing me a favour. You are showing everyone who reads this exactly the type of thinking that this move supports. So carry on.

  33. It doesnt matter what they think deeply flawed but trying! Not going to change your poor me situation. Maybe you should set up a payment section so all these heart bleeds cases could donate, then we will really see whether they put their money where there mouths are. This is the problem, its easy saying poor you, don’t have to do anything, its actually more beneficial saying get off your arse and do something about your situation rather than moan about it. Of course you can keep with the poor me ideal, it does seem to be working with complete strangers who feel bad for you, I would suggest you ask for donations, you never know!!

    • Someone googled you Pete. Haha!

    • You are completely missing the point. This blog wasnt to say poor me, it is to illustrate how government policies affect people on the ground. Some people who are sympathising, because they actually take a minute to think about this in a wider sense than you, are trying to campaign to change policies such as these rather than rant at the people it affects. Charity is not an option because this affects more than just one person. Are people no longer allowed to represent their experiences? Have you ever read any research on this subject anyway? What do you say to the fact that there will always be a group people in our society who are stuck in low-paid work – made all the worse for parents who cannot access affordable childcare? Read IPPR or JRF reports on low-paid, no pay… or just continue going on blogs making personal attacks and stay ignorant. which is what the government would prefer you do anyway.

    • Wow, you’re an arsehole and a half.

  34. Great post. I am in a similar situation, though I don’t know yet how the LHA changes will hit me as I don’t know what the 30th%ile for my area is (I live in a cheap flat for the area- it is ex-council, privately let so doesn’t have any of the improvements that council ones in the same block have had, but is double the rent they pay…)- I am divorced, with a child by a later partner, not single by my own choice at all, and yet I am being punished for decisions made by the men who chose to leave me. I am trying to do a PhD in the hope that this will finally obtain me a permanent job rather than the irregular temping I was getting before. However, if I am made homeless (which I will be if LHA fails to cover the rest of my rent, as my PhD stipend is less than my total rent and council tax, not even allowing for the need for my daughters and I to eat), I am not sure what will happen with this or whether I will ever be able to find a job that pays enough to rent privately, let alone buy anywhere as we’re alls upposed to aspire to, in a city where the cheapest homes are pushing £200000. Life was already pretty miserable, and the Tories chose to kick us when we were down. Such sportsmanship from ex-Etonians!

  35. You say that your marriage “ended” as if this was some event outside human control. It sounds that your economic situation would be better if you, your ex-husband and daughter lived together as one unit. Is there any good reason why this is not possible?

    I don’t want to pry or be rude but if two people decide to have children together then possibly they incur a responsibility to try and live together until those children are independent.

    • Do I think my daughters life, my life, or my husbands life would be better if we were living in a house together? No. I don’t. Like most women I absolutely meant the vows I took- but life is imperfect- and our marriage ended- and the only three people who need to be involved in the details of that, are me, my ex, and my daughter.

      We have reconciled it with each other- and moved on to parent our daughter. I don’t know anyone who has pledged to spend the rest of their life with someone, and then ended that lightly, and I certainly don’t believe I have given any impression that I would.

      We have been very lucky, we have worked to salvage a friendship out of our marriage- rather than acrimony. My marriage ended like many other marriages- for the same mundane reasons, the same lack of communication, the same pressures as anyone elses.

      A choice between poverty or marriage sounds like an absolutely appalling world. It certainly never seems to be a choice for men. And quite frankly, romantic relationships for financial gain- are not my idea of working my way out of poverty= although I can see the circumstances in which that would be appealing, and hope that many women don’t have to make that choice.

    • You say that your marriage “ended” as if this was some event outside human control. It sounds that your economic situation would be better if you, your ex-husband and daughter lived together as one unit. Is there any good reason why this is not possible?

      I do not wish to speculate about the OP’s marriage, but I’m sure there are many people out there in similar situations where they cannot get back together with their partner and live as one unit through no fault of the person in question. For example, if the partner dies. Or is in jail. Or has left them for someone else and refuses to consider coming back to them.

      Answers that work only if you are in a partnership of two income earning adults are not valid answers.

  36. Dear ChopperJ007,
    It’s not your fault you think like this, you know. Its not your fault that you have no compassion for anyone else, and no drive to unite with others to collectively make the world a fairer place. I earn less that £14K a year. I am using most of my money to pay off large debts I got through being a consumer during most of the naughties. I don’t have access to the internet outside of my workplace or the public library. I don’t claim housing benefit (I’m not even sure if I can claim housing benefit) or income support, I just don’t eat for the last three days of every month. I don’t have children or a partner, so I don’t need money.
    Yet I can still see that this woman’s sitation is intororable. She is not saying that she is a poor little me, I didn’t get that impression for the post at all. She is simply pointing out that this budget is grossly unfair, and will have serious repercussions for the lives of people who do claim housing beenfit, and LHA.
    You should read The Communist Manifesto, The Woman’s Room and No Logo. Seriously. It will change your life. You should also do some research into who owns the media you subscribe to, and who is behind all the advertising promotions on any regular bus routes/ walks to do, and what they do with that money. Seriously. It will make you see the world in a different way. I am not trying to patronise you, but learning about how the world works, who actually profits from how it works and how you, yes YOU are being exploited will really make you think about how you talk to people and how you respond to current events.
    I used to be like you, thinking everyone who ever claimed was a scrounger. But honestly, the world is fucked! Its not these people that are the bad ones!
    Please please please do as I suggest, I can’t recommened it highly enough.

  37. I have to say I’m probably not your regular reader, im a 20 year old student and my main worries in life are what Im wearing.However You raise some really good points about being a single parent. At the age of 5 my mum and dad split, he moved to London and we moved back to our home town of Newcastle. My mum had to make it as a single parent and I can honestly say if it wasn’t for the government (and also very nice grandparents) I’m not quite sure how she would have survived. When we both went to school she went into employment but because she gave up her job to have children her experience has left her in an 15k admin role. she now pays for everything out of her own pocket and is the most amazing woman i have ever met when it comes to budgeting. I have never wanted for anything, although at times I had to accept that I couldnt have the latest things that other kids have. The fact that the government are trying to reward couples for staying together really upsets me. It was never my choice for my mum and dad to split up so why should she/me be punished for this? I don’t want anything extra for coming from a single parent family but at the same time I don’t want to be discriminated against. I agree it is a more stable environment for a child too be brought up with two parents but if its just not an option why should people be made to feel bad about their situation?

    Im now at university, working park time and on a placement, working 6 days a week sundays are my only days off. Everything in my bones makes me determined to do well so that I never have to rely on the goverment. Girls I went to school with left and had babies at the age of 16 and live on benefits having their housing paid for them and often I think what is the point in working so hard when some people get everything for free. but deep down I know that the things I buy have more pleasure knowing that I earnt them. That is what is wrong with our society, there is such a stigma attattched to benefits because of people who abuse the system (which I do agree needs to be stopped), but people like yourself who just need a helping hand along the way are punished. We live in a country of stereotypes which makes no allowances for individuals

    its nice too see what peoples opinions are on the matter!

  38. […] https://deeplyflawedbuttrying.wordpress.com/2010/06/23/single-parenthood-and-victimhood/ This entry was posted in life, politics. Bookmark the permalink. ← Why I will never vote Liberal Democrat […]

  39. I feel for you. Life is really difficult and sometimes it is not fair, especially to those like yourself who are trying to do the right thing. Stay strong, perservere for your child’s sake. I wish you the best of luck. Life can and often does get better.

  40. Hi Deeply,

    Wonderful post – had me in tears, almost as much as the budget yesterday.

    Jessica Bull

  41. ps – it is not you who is deeply flawed, honey, it is this social order under which we are forced to live!!

  42. You don’t mention the child’s father. Isn’t child rearing supposed to be a 50 50 proposition?

    • If you read back, you will find that ‘the child’s’ father’ is not only mentioned, but an integral part of ‘the child’s’ life. He also pays what he can afford- but as he also runs a home on one salary…

  43. All I can do is to sympathise and shake my head in wonder. I am a public sector employee myself, and even though I am employed…who knows what the future will hold for all of us. What I dont understand is for example, if (and as..) the country is bankcrupt, why did they have to get the Olympics? We are paying through the nose in London for those. e.g. Tube fares going up AGAIN this year by 7%… etc etc.
    I wish you strength.

  44. I feel your pain and frustration. Completely. I live in Canada and am a single parent. Like you, I am much more than the single parent label that is so grossly misunderstood and taken out of context. Like you I struggle financially and have suffered very recent blows due to government changes in subsidy and my son getting older (6!) I work hard and childcare is BLOODY EXPENSIVE. Even with the small amount of subsidy given I am struggling from chq to chq wondering how on earth anyone does this and how much longer I can do it for. It’s a broken and mad system. I am so sorry.

  45. […] The Budget and Me! « Deeplyflawedbuttrying's Blog […]

  46. So sorry to read this. Hope you get something sorted for you and your child. Good childcare is really expensive over here too. We hope to return to the UK later this year, but right now we are watching and waiting to see what else this new govt. brings.

  47. Thank you for sharing your story. It’s high time we realise, as a civilisation, that if it weren’t for mothers we wouldn’t even have a civilisation.

  48. So you ended up being just a mother.

    Just another mother, like a chimp, a cow, an elephant, a whale, just another mother, like an insect, or an octopus, or a worm. Just another mother.

    Your kids will not thank you, your husband will not like you, your own mother will pity you for making her own same mistake.

    Just another mother.

    For a moment of frenzy, of uterine voracity, irrational and irreversible, you destroyed your body, your beauty, and your own intellect.

    Parental-brain-atrophy-syndrome, where your brain biologically adjusts to the need of your infants, descending at their own subhuman level, with just one dimension, food, or perhaps two dimensions, food and feces.

    You left your ambitions, your achievements, your potentials outside your life and outside the lives of those who really loved, only to become a receptacle of an unknown body of an unknown person that never will be yours, and to whom you will never belong. Strangers united in a pool of blood and dirt.

    And dirt has become your life, and your life has become dirt. Urine, remains of food, excrements, diapers, vacuum cleaners, old soap, crusts, a life of dandruff and diseases, vaccine and lice, high school and drool.

    You lost your dignity through your open legs, first inwards and then outwards, first-in-first-out, garbage-in-garbage-out, a boomerang of boredom.

    Do you remember who you were?

    Do you realize your loss?

    Nobody chooses prison voluntarily, except for mothers, except for you.

    You chose the life of a slave in a cavern of dirt.

    People around you, who know that you are just another mother, do have compassion for you, but no respect. They know all about your emptiness, your pain, your despair, all dressed in the robes of a Virgin Mary.

    And a Virgin Mary you are not, because Mary was not a Virgin, and you are not a Mary.

    You were manipulated into just another life wasted on the heap of trash of a lost humanity dedicated to popular procreation and proletarian proliferation, to please the leaders of a domain of plebeians.

    The world lost you, and you lost the world.

    Good bye, sad mothers, good bye, old cows, with dried-out utters and distorted hips, good bye, and so alone you all will die.

    • you realize that this isn’t the 1800’s don’t you? Mothers are pretty social and hip creatures these days. I’m guessing you must also hate your own mother for bringing you into the world?

      • Sorry? Is motherhood somehow linked to character traits? I didn’t realise only women of a certain character could get pregnant. I did realise it wasn’t the 1800’s- although my government don’t.

    • WTF???

    • er.. what?

  49. I am a pensioner but have been reading your blog and comments with interest. I really feel for you: I was also a single mother [luckily my kids were teenagers] due to my husband dying – most inconsiderate. So have always worked in one way or another but one of my children was severely disabled which meant extra expense and some understanding employers. I worked as a social worker in a Children & Families division but my emplyers goodwill ran out when I suffered a bad bout of depression. I certainly don’t blame them, they were very fair to me, and they needed a full workforce because even then they were overstretched.
    So this budget, on the face of it, has been reasonably kind to me as a pensioner but today they announced that they are looking at the medical histories of disabled benefits claimants – not a very nice prospect as it DLA which enables me to do voluntary work, see family,etc.
    Also I have grandchildren who have never been able to find paid employment since they left education despite doing all the right things: no prospect of that improving in our city. They also claim housing benefit both paying £400 monthly for single bedroom flats, nothing fancy and not in the best parts of town for either of them: to rent in a ‘good’ district would cost you in excess of&600 monthly. Neither of them have children nor will they by choice until they can support them [however accidents can and do happen]. What will become of my grandchildren? it is a worry for me. I help out when I can, usually in exchange for jobs around my [rented from HSA] bungalow, which means that they can hold on to some self-respect.
    I think I had better stop because I still have so much to say. May I wish you all the best: enjoy your daughter – she is worth more than money – try not to worry too much. If it helps, I grew up in real physical poverty but have made a reasonably happy life: my children also grew up knowing what it is like to be poor but they have come out all right and most of their memories are of happy times – well the ones we talk about now. Good luck and ‘may your god go with you’. as Dave Allen used to say.

    • I have realised I can’t do C+F work while she is small. THere are just too many nights. where a visit turns into a crisis and I don’t get home till 11. THere is no tolerance for ‘I can’t do that, I have to be home by 6’- So I have been applying for unqualified posts- which to be honest get me back to working withkids- but without the constant pressure of CP responsibility.

  50. […] Well, I’m out of a job.  And I’m happy. I thought I would be depressed; then I saw this. If I had a family to support I’m not sure what I would do. My heart goes out to all those […]

  51. Being a single mum in a crappy economy is tough enough without people judging you and being offensive. (What a douche!) Stay strong and keep fighting the good fight!



  52. […] the original post: The Budget and Me! Share and […]

  53. Send me your resume. My company is hiring. If you fit the bill, we might be able to work something out. It can’t hurt to try. After all, you don’t get what you don’t ask for.

  54. […] bloggers, 322,995 new posts, 357,451 comments, & 71,112,531 words today on WordPress.com. The Budget and Me! Deeplyflawedbuttrying’s Blog Got World Cup […]

  55. A very well written piece. My sympathies go to you and everyone in your situation. Listening to the news this morning confirms that nothing much changes as far as addressing problems of inequality in the UK.In the news this morning the UN study that finds more people in Scotland take cocaine than anywhere else in the world. Interviewed was a guy from the Scottish Drugs Forum who pointed out that there are 600 drug deaths a year in Scotland and that the underlying factors relate to poverty, inequality & social deprivation. Another news item reports that many families are struggling to afford school dinners…Dickensian or what?
    ps I have posted a link to your blog on my facebook page.

  56. a brilliant and touching blog, I’m so sorry this budget will hit you and your little girl so hard. That really is terribly unfair.
    I really hope there is something, some way of enabling you to get out of the poverty trap, I know how much it sucks. I too left home at 16 and studied hard and did well only to find I wasn’t actually qualified to do anything in the end. NOw we’re stuck in that same trap as you with small kiddies, last job I was offered, I would end up paying to do once childcare and losing LHA and council tax benefit were taken into account. It sucks mightily.
    You truly have my sympathies. But we will get through this and we will come out the other side, you will find a way.
    take care hon x

  57. Have you thought about moving in with a family member/ friend that you have nearby to gain some financial ground over the next couple of years? In America there are a lot of recent college graduates who have done this because they are having a hard time finding a good paying job. So they live with their parents to be able to pay low or no rent and save money. Some are also attempting to get a higher degree for a better job opportunity in a few years. Also, do you get child support from the father? If there is an option for the child to live with him then why isn’t he at least paying child support? I hope you are able to find a solution.

  58. I am livid on your behalf; you can’t afford the emotional energy to be livid as you have to focus on existing, rather than living as you state.

    Shame, all I can say, is shame..

  59. […] When I started this blog, I had  recently finished working as a social worker. As a social worker, I earned 21k pro rata down to 30 hours a week. I worked 30 hours a week contracted, and some weeks up to 20-30 on top at home. I had a caseload of 18 children, 10 of which were subject to Child Protection plans.  The ones who were not subject to child protection plans, were living in situations where the threshold of risk was nightmarish. 1 day of m … Read More […]

  60. The Tories “austerity” budget is so transparent it should be sponsored by Windolene!
    They have finally got to do what even Mrs Thatcher would have shied away from, and that is pulling the rug on a much-needed benefits system.
    Their compass will always steer more to the poor than the banks when making cuts – as evidenced by George Osborne’s piecemeal Bank Levy. It will be interesting to see the level of ‘creative’ accounting the banks use to combat this payment – unfortunately single parents, on low incomes, don’t have recourse to such methods.
    This really is a case of the Government pissing in your pocket, and then telling you it’s raining!

  61. […] When I started this blog, I had  recently finished working as a social worker. As a social worker, I earned 21k pro rata down to 30 hours a week. I worked 30 hours a week contracted, and some weeks up to 20-30 on top at home. I had a caseload of 18 children, 10 of which were subject to Child Protection plans.  The ones who were not subject to child protection plans, were living in situations where the threshold of risk was nightmarish. 1 day of m … Read More […]

  62. […] Those that are missed out (the full set of data sources included are here) include: Housing Benefit cuts, cuts in DLA (where around 12 per cent of claimants are children), cuts to grants for mothers (the Sure Start Maternity Grant and the Health in Pregnancy Grant) and increased conditionality for lone parents (less than 10 per cent of whom are expected to move into work after being moved from Income Support to JSA or ESA). In particular Housing Benefit cuts (about 33 per cent of Housing Benefit claimants are families with children) will have a significant impact on child poverty, meaning real terms reductions in household income – as this post so vividly shows. […]

  63. […] Ansell on Deeply Flawed But Trying writes a wonderfully personal account of the budget and what it will do to her and her daughter and […]

  64. Hi,

    I sent your blog to my MP as an illustration of how the cuts will affect peeople and he was very supportive – just thought you would like to know that!

  65. I’m scared
    I want to work…

    I can’t

    I wish i was dead

    • You’re not the only one who’s scared. I spend my days pretty well terrified of having to talk to people – and now I have something new and exciting to be terrified of, thanks to this government (and, in fairness, the last one too).

  66. Thank you so much for your post. I found it profoundly touching but also stimulating; I’ve been wondering how to write to my MP (who, for his sins, is Nick Clegg) concerning the budget and you have said everything I wanted to say with a good deal more legitimacy and eloquence than I could ever hope for. I have just written to him and included this link.

    I wish you the very best and hope you find the strength and support you need. x

  67. I read this post on the day after the budget, and reading it I could feel the weight of panic pressing on my own chest.

    I was widowed 11 years ago when three months pregnant.I made the decision to leave my job, which was well-paid and which I loved to devote myself to raising our son, as *everything* I read about posthumous children emphasised the importance of quality care from the surviving parent, especially in the pre-school years.

    I now work as an academic, am studying for my Phd, and my son is happy,well-adjusted, and achieves.Under this budget I would have been screwed.I would have been forced into work *way* before my son was ready to be handed over to a chilminder, and I myself was not emotionally ready to return.

    Now, reading, these comments doubtless some will say ‘Why didn’t you have life insurance?’.We were in our twenties.I was three months pregnant-we’d barely made our wills, for heaven’s sake (and thank God we did, or else Paul would’ve been regarded as a ‘putative father’ ,forcing me to undergo a DNA test!)

    Children are increasingly regarded as a burden in this society & the children of single parents even more so.But riddle me this; every child that has a stable, adequately resourced childhood increases the likelihood that we, when old, will live in a stable, adequately resourced society. And we all want that, surely?

    Lisa, I hope that things work out for you and Rachel, I truly do.If the determination you demonstrate so clearly in this blog is anything to go by, I’m sure it will.

  68. Ummmm, when I wrote forcing me to undergo a DNA test, I actually meant forcing my son..oh and am aware that pre-schoolers not affected by this & did write the ‘especially in the pre-school years’.My son started school when he was 4 (July-born), so IMO was far too early to hand him to a childminder.

  69. :((((

  70. I’ll take the DNA test for you!

  71. […] be collected and promoted. The impact of this ideological assault must be counted in human terms. Stories like these for example. If you read any such stories in local newspapers – send me the link […]

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  73. Look, this is the kind of debate that we’ve wasted too much time on already. We need to stop arguing about single mums and start talking about the missing fathers.

    Your problems would disappear if the father of your child was paying his way. So what we need to do now is to take his benefits away from him. Then you’ll be much better off.

    • The father of my child IS paying his way. He is an integral part of my daughters life. How dare you suggest taht he isn’t. He has to run a house, our marital home on one salary. He maintains his house, with her bedroom- wehre she spends time- he gives me pays for a proportion of her childcare, and makes sure that I have two days a week, where I can sit down and work. Without him doing this, I would have no options.

      We live in a country where one salary is seldom enough to run a home. He does not get state support. I moved out of our marital home to be close to public transport links, so I could work.

      When the Institute of Fiscal studies were asked to look at the couples penalty(following research by a batshit nuts christian anti-abortion think tank- CARE-Christian Action Research Education- I believe you already know these people)- they were specifically asked to look at only net state support. NOt at the cost of childcare, or house prices.

      HOw much do you think childcare costs Mr.Field? Do you think that the third that tax credits pay towards it, covers it?

      Unfortunately I am in the public sector. You were aware of the concentration of working mothers in the bottom sectors of our public services weren’t you? THe ones who are cheapest to make redundant because they are part time? Did you bother doing any research about women in the labour market, and how having children affects your earnings potential? I can direct you to some that isn;t done by a christian think thank.

      House prices are the reason that one salary is not enough to run a house. In London I have friends earning exceptional salaries- they work and they still can’t meet their housing costs without housing benefit.

      Not to mention the friends of mine who have left abusive relationships, where it has been a nightmare to break free of the control they were under from their ex partners. Now the government has created a situation where they have absolutely no choice but to allow these men back into their lives, or leave the areas they live in. WORKING Single parents Mr.Field. Marriage is not a route out of poverty, and I would rather turn to out and out prostitution and keep it away from my daughter, than teach her that getting married is the only way to have financial security.

      I suggest you make yourself familiar with the economic situation in this country. Your ridiculous moralistic assumptions are about to cause a great deal of harm.

      As are low wages. As the parent of a small child, I am at a severe disadvantage in the Labour market, until I do not have to fit caring for an absolutely dependent child- as she gets more independent, so do I. THis is why 60 percent of single parents work, and why that number steadily increases as children get older.

      How dare you resort to insulting my ex husband, my daughters father- in order to justify your obscene campaign to remove basic state support for people in need.
      I would like you to apologise- and I would like to meet you to discuss this.

      • Really very sorry to have misled you – the spoof was supposed to be obvious, hence the second post. But on the other hand, when you told him, “Your ridiculous moralistic assumptions are about to cause a great deal of harm.” you were 100% right.

      • The Government collects taxes so what does all the money get spent on but is this a smokescreen for people not to realize that the banks are fascist monetary dictators and are endeavoring to control
        The whole world’s population and give every individual a monetary value zero means due for liquidation.

        The supermarkets make millions pounds profits out of selling food and gas or water and electricity companies’ Basic household needs and clothing companies are all in it to make a profit. House prices are the reason that one salary is not enough to run a household fairly.

        The international banking sector via greedy building societies make vast profits on high interest rates also and private landlords make vast profits out of rented accommodation not to mention manipulative insurance company schemes add to the cost of living index.

        The government never says it pays out billions of Pounds in health and welfare benefit money indirectly to all these small and big companies.

        Therefore in reality more than 95 per cent of this welfare benefit money is diverted into assisting and producing large profits for private and international companies, building societies and private landlords.

        People on low wages and the unemployed can never save any money for themselves the sick and the old Along with all the underprivileged people suffer with education and housing inequality many young student start life in debt to the evil banks?

        The poverty traps subscribes everybody to poorer standard of living many are unashamedly exploited working for a minimum wage and still need welfare money to survive and pay VAT tax on top of that?

        Many of these companies save vast amounts of money on low wages by dumping their excess unwanted employees on the government and do not necessarily play sufficient tax back to help the poor.

        The government are the bankrupt housekeepers of the country and they will never tell you how much money they’ve got or what they spend it on or how much is given to help there secret friends.

        Definitely there is a big profit to be made in making and selling military equipment. Also remember the pharmaceutical companies make Trillion pounds profits out of making prescriptions legal drugs, pesticides and fertilizer not to mention the suppliers of medical equipment for hospitals.

        Since 1066 everybody has been deemed as slaves to the Crown and then subsequently the corrupted governments who support the privileged few who own 99 per cent of the UK.


        Pierre I agree with you. Rich global companies and small companies alike are in part able to make a profit due to the labor force being subsidized by tax payer’s money. They receive an educated work force, a mostly healthy work force (due to the NHS) and a cheap work force (topped up with tax credits and other necessary benefits). The poorest of the poor contribute to this by indirect taxation (vat and the tax on petrol). What I do not understand is why on earth the nation still can not see this and insist that this changes.

        Reply by Sue Brock July 21, 2010 at 12:17 pm

  74. OK. So obviously it wasn’t actually Frank Field who put up the previous comment, it was me. But it’s what he would say, did say this morning pretty much in the Guardian…

    • Obviously…. was er….. .just saying….. off to look sheepish…

  75. I just wrote a letter to my local MP, Gavin Barwell (tory), with a link to this blog post and expressing my concerns. Thank you for sharing this difficult time with us.

  76. Thank you for writing this blog post, so many others are in the same position but less able to express their situation. I followed the link from Liberal Conspiracy – I hope that your story (and others like it) are properly publicised. Good luck – and do not feed the trolls!

  77. […] The Budget and Me! « Deeplyflawedbuttrying's Blog I am not just a ‘single parent’. I am an intelligent woman, a good mother, and I am more than that. […]

  78. […] • This is an edited version of a post that first appeared on Lisa Ansell’s blog, Deeply Flawed But Trying […]

  79. […] • This is an edited version of a post that first appeared on Lisa Ansell’s blog, Deeply Flawed But Trying […]

  80. […] • This is an edited version of a post that first appeared on Lisa Ansell’s blog, Deeply Flawed But Trying […]

  81. Just came across this blog via Laurie Pennys twitter feed ( I think). I think this is a brilliantly written passionate post and anyone with a half a brain should be trying their utmost to hire you as a columnist. You have more talent than most of the self serving drivel that passes for comment in most of today’s press.

  82. top marks to the guardian for publishing this. i hope that brought in a little cash. i’m thankfully not a single parent, but we’re going to be squeezed by this government, for sure. i blogged about it myself (http://househusbandconfessions.wordpress.com/2010/06/09/hello-world/), a bit more angrily than you, i think! all i can say is good luck…

  83. When I was growing up there was no government support for my mother and father who were both married and on little income. Both my perants worked to have enough money to pay the bills. Now to solve the problem of my mother working I was raised by my grandmother.

    If you want to hear a sob story heres one for you.

    My father and mother escaped from a drunken abusive father and communist oppression in Poland, after they were sold to the Russains by the English, so fled to England. My father was so poor there he had to clean beer bottles with sand as they could not afford soap and sell the bottles for bread.

    When they moved here my father was 15. Things were not much better. Because my grandmother was a single mother there was no support at all, she lived with freinds and had to find a job. At this time women were discriminated and earned less, but not only this but she was paied even less as she was a “bloody forigner” my grandfather fought on the allied side during WW2. So she had to find a second job. She managed to bring my great grandmother over who raised my father. My grandmother then only had 4 hours a sleep a night and had no days off. She only saw my dad when he was asleep.

    My dad became sucessfull, graduated from university and managed to get out of poverty, it is possible with NO BENIFITS AT ALL. From nothing but dust to a successful job and educated children.

    However he worked far away and I only saw him on weekends.

    It was the same grandmother who worked two jobs that raised me. I am thankfull that she did as I learnt a seconed language.

    You need to get help from family. In Eastern Europe everyone helps everyone as there is not as great a social cusion as here.

    Why do u think that so many people are moving from Eastern Europe??

    Because its like a socaialist paradise here compared to back home. Where having children means a guaranteed income, and living in relative luxury.

    My advise have more children then you will never have to work as the state will pay child benifit for each one. It can be your new career.

    • Er. I think you will find that people from eastern europe have been going home. It tends to happen. We are in a global economy, and economic migration rises in times of boom, and falls naturally in times of recession.
      I didn’t post a ‘sob story’- I pointed out the effect of a housing benefit cut, that had been described as a measure to discourage welfare dependency-when it does quite the opposite.

      I don’t generally do swapping sad stories- have been round long enough to know that when you are feeling sorry for yourself- there is usually someone much worse off than you. And there are going to be people much worse off than me.

      I do have a problem with a govt policy that ensures that women are simulataneously pushed away from the labour market, and then blamed for it. And the idea of everyone helping everyone is great- my friends and my support networks mean that I experience that in the UK. Unfortunately, like many single parents, I will have to move away from them. Even though they are the things which keep me working.

      As for your socialist paradise- state help masking an inflated housing market and low wages-themselves indicators that the problem is in the private economy, that doesn’t seem like a socialist paradise to me. It seems quite short sighted to deliberately avoid looking at what precisely it is that the people claiming housing benefit are doing. Because if they are continuing to work, regardless of the lack of chance to actually make a living= then am guessing it isn’t them that is doing the wrong thing.

      THe fact that the government is encouraging a misleading dialogue about the people worst affected by these cuts, and the way they affect me is not just material, but social- is important.

      As for seeing having more children as a passport to riches- you clearly have never had the responsiblity of being a parent. Parenting one child is a tough enough job- the idea that I would bring two children into this situation- ridiculous. The idea that after removing womens ability to work themselves out of poverty, this may be something people are forced to consider. Frightening.

  84. I’ve been reading the above blog. How can taking away a guys benefits (if he is claiming any) help a woman left alone with a child? It’s just another excuse not to have a system of benefits that are high enough for people to live on. As regards people in work —— we need a decent living wage for everyone. Reducing benefits so that even on ridiculously low levels of pay a person gets more than on benefits is rather missing the point? People need a certain amount of money to live. They should be paid it. Where will the money come from? Well maybe from all the wealthy people avoiding paying tax. Maybe from all the super rich companies providing fabulous livings (jets, islands etc) for the few. Many people spend more on their wine bill in a year than a person receives in Job Seekers allowance. Twice that amount and more can be spent on a dress. Chris Evans recently spent £12 million (!) on a car!!!! Now come on something isnt right here.

  85. […] dubious? “They calculate this penalty,” says Lisa Ansell, “by looking at net state support, but with no consideration for the cost of […]

  86. […] dubious? “They calculate this penalty,” says Lisa Ansell, “by looking at net state support, but with no consideration for the cost of […]

  87. […] • This is an edited version of a post that first appeared on Lisa Ansell’s blog, Deeply Flawed But Trying […]

  88. FWIW Frank Field is my MP and I wrote to him, asking him to read this article and think through what the consequences are of the policy changes again.

    You can get to your MP through


    Will see if it makes a blind ha’penny of difference, but I tried,

  89. “I will describe myself as one of the few genuine nice blokes out there…” This is how someone named chopperj007 describes himself on a dating website called Plenty of Fish (dot) com. Could be the same ass who was so abusive to you early on in the comments. Can anyone here imagine him on a date? :^p

    I was deeply touched by your blog post. Here in the US we have similar problems with welfare program limitations, rules, and resources. In fact, “welfare” is now a dirty word; it no longer holds its original meaning of happiness, health, well-being. If you mention you were once or are currently receiving welfare benefits, you are immediately categorized as lazy, indolent, a drain on society, etc. No matter what the circumstances — divorce, illness, lack of available jobs, lack of affordable housing, etc… — if you receive welfare benefits you are automatically seen as wanting a handout, sponging off the state, being lazy, etc.

    I can only say that I hope things get better for you. You and your daughter deserve a good life.

  90. […] thereby causing Thatcher-style civil unrest and increase the incentives for crime (especially for those with children to feed). This is the wrong […]

  91. The Government collects taxes so what does all the money get spent on but is this a smokescreen for people not to realize that the banks are fascist monetary dictators and are endeavoring to control
    The whole world’s population and give every individual a monetary value zero means due for liquidation.

    The supermarkets make millions pounds profits out of selling food and gas or water and electricity companies
    Basic household needs and clothing companies are all in it to make a profit also and private landlords make vast profits out of rented accommodation.

    The government never says it pays out billions of Pounds in health and welfare benefit money indirectly to all these small and big companies.

    Therefore in reality more than 95 per cent of this welfare benefit money is diverted into assisting and producing large profits for private and international companies.

    People on low wages and the unemployed can never save any money for themselves the sick and the old
    Along with all the underprivileged people suffer
    With education and housing inequality young student start life in debt to the evil banks?

    The poverty traps subscribes everybody to poorer standard of living many are unashamedly exploited working for a minimum wage and still need welfare money to survive and pay VAT tax on top of that?

    Many of these companies save vast amounts of money on low wages by dumping their excess unwanted employees on the government and do not necessarily play sufficient tax back to help the poor.

    The government are the bankrupt housekeepers of the country and they will never tell you how much money they’ve got or what they spend it on or how much is given to help there secret friends.

    Definitely there is a big profit to be made in making and selling military equipment. Also remember the pharmaceutical companies make Trillion pounds profits out of making prescriptions legal drugs, pesticides and fertilizer not to mention the suppliers of medical equipment for hospitals.

    Since 1066 everybody has been deemed as slaves to the Crown and then subsequently the corrupted governments who support the privileged few who own 99 per cent of the UK.

  92. Pierre I agree with you. Rich global companies and small companies alike are in part able to make a prrofit due to the labour force being subsidised by tax payers money. They receieve an educated work force, a mostly healthy work force (due to the NHS) and a cheap work force (topped up with tax credits and other necessary benefits). The poorest of the poor contribute to this by indirect taxation (ie VAT and the tax on petrol). What I cant understand is why on earth people still cant see it and insist that this changes.

  93. […] • This is an edited version of a post that first appeared on Lisa Ansell’s blog, Deeply Flawed But Trying […]

  94. […] then I read THIS and while I sympathise (I really do), I have to say it’s easy to see why the Aussies nicknamed us […]

  95. […] in the autumn. Reductions in housing benefits are sure to hit the most vulnerable. For instance, check out how a single mother will struggle to make ends meet after the proposed housing benefit reductions. […]

  96. Let God judge the Two pritvately educated privilleged schoolboys and thier little poodle dog!

    • Whoops! lol! Edited version!
      I hope that the two little boys and their poodle take their goody bags and a plane ride and that it crashes into a newt pond and they are all no more lol!

  97. What is the point of going in to politics if all you want is to deliberately make peoples lives miserable?
    Sonunds quite sadistic to me?
    Maybe Cameron is a sadist who hates people being anything other than miserable becausehe has never come to terms with his own personal tradgedy?
    David we are all deeply sorry for what happened to your son but you are not the only one to have experienced such a tragedy and using power to inflict pain only creates a bad karma? Think about it?
    You know you are lying and creating divisions just like Maggie the witch did and look where its got her?She doesn,t know who she is anymore?
    Youtube Malcom X and look at what happened in France to those poor 23 Dixiecrats on a joy ride in the skys?
    You never know David? Have a think!

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